Find the best quick measures to check the code quality of your mobile app

May 5, 2020 | Find the best quick measures to check the code quality of your mobile app

Do you ever consider you like you could and should be writing better code, but not quite sure how to tell if you’re performing your best? 
The quality of the resulting codes can be evaluated by test metrics, but the quality of the process itself can’t be measured automatically. Quality of codes relies on human factors that this is something that developers should do. These algorithms solve the task at hand, but will most certainly cause issues later on. It’s like an explosion, yet you don’t know when it goes off. It demands an in-depth understanding of how it works and the interconnection of lower-level mechanisms. This is considered to be standard practice; it requires extra time and efforts that protect the projects from critical failures.
 If you wish to run a startup, a mobile app can become a vital part of your service offerings as, like e-wallets, there are specific niches that you can target with a well-positioned app. However, you must note that it is no longer enough to launch an app. Today to succeed, you must develop a relevant and high-quality mobile app where the code quality of your mobile app comes into the balance equation.

What is Code Quality and Why Code Quality Matters

In laymen’s terms, code quality refers to whether the codes used in the app are of high quality or low quality. This is not an objective quality index. Whether or not the codes of your mobile app are good depends on the definitions you judge them on. You must also keep the context in mind if you are gauging the code quality of a mobile app, the analysis of an automotive developer won’t matter.
You might wonder, if code quality is such subjective content, why does it matter? It can say if you seek the right opinion and assessment, code quality tells you a lot about the quality of the software and whether your codebase is reliable and secure. 

 Get Started With Code Quality Analysis

Analyzing and measuring quality can be tricky, as quality can be subjective. Some metrics which you can use to objectively evaluate code, including complexity. And there are several ways you can lower complexity and improve quality. Always follow the most preferred and standardized coding standard for any programming language or framework. 

  • Maintain consistency in method variable names, coding methods, class, to ensure Optimum understandability.
  • Provide proper documentation for sets of code, properties, and methods to ensure concise and clear coding.

 How to Measure The Code Quality of Mobile App?

There are multiple ways to measure code quality. Each method focuses on an essential aspect of mobile app development. Here are some quickest ways to measure code quality based on the factors in question.


Reliability refers to the risk associated with the codes and software. It also illustrates the probability of failure of the code of the mobile app. Measuring the reliability of code is vital to reduce the chances of malfunctions of an app. Here are some quickest ways to measure the reliability of a code:

Keeping tabs on production incidents: 

The lower or high priority errors are identified during the app development process, the higher is the reliability score. Load testing whereby you check how the code functions when a lot of users use it. Regression testing, where you calculate the number of new defects that arise when you attempt to change the app, keeping the given code constant. Reliability evaluation where experts create a market-like environment and see whether the app works efficiently in a stimulating environment.

  • Security

We live in a time marked by security breaches. Recently, a giant like Facebook, too, came under fire for the drastic data theft it witnessed.
While living in an online world means that our sensitive data is more vulnerable than ever; this doesn’t mean that steps cannot be taken to prevent such breaches. From past time ever, consumers are now careful about which app they download. Every user wishes for a secure app, and this security begins at the coding level. This is why gauging the security of the codebase is a great way to measure the code quality of a mobile app. Attackers are likely to breach software and gain access to highly sensitive and personal information if poor coding practices are used. This is why it is crucial to minimize the number of vulnerabilities an app faces on the coding level.
Here are quick and tested ways of assessing code quality based on security.

  • You must scan the mobile app to identify the number of vulnerabilities present in the app.
  • Deploying a Security update in case the app has been launched. Then, analyze the count of users who has updated the app and whether its vulnerabilities have reduced since then.
  • Identifying actual security incidents and gauging the severity and frequency.

Mostly, measuring the code quality based on security means waiting until you launch your app. Therefore, since app development is a continuous process, this factor ensures that your mobile app is flexible enough to cater to problems that arise with time.

  • Maintainability and Testability

The ease with which software and hence a codebase can be maintained governs whether or not it is of high quality. To measure code quality based on maintainability, it is essential to assess the structure, consistency, and complexity of the codebase in question. Here, factors like testability come in. It is hard to provide a single quick metric for judging the quality of a code based on maintainability. Popular ways include measuring the number of stylistic warnings that arise and running the code through a series of Halstead complexity tests. Additionally, the testability of the code can be measured through cyclomatic complexity and identifying the number of test cases that come in faulty.

  • Software Portability

The portability of the codes of any mobile app largely depends on how the same app can be used across a variety of environments. The challenge is, there is no single measure for evaluating software portability. The most effective approach is to test the code of the mobile app frequently on different platforms when the development process is still on.

  • Code Reusability

In modern software development environments, code reusability is one of the key parameters of evaluating the code. This evaluation involves measuring whether the code can be reused again in other operating system environments or platforms. Loose coupling and the modular character of code ensure optimum code reusability.


Irrespective of the community languages, tools, or methodologies, frameworks code quality should be given optimum priority to ensure easy and smooth development, testing, maintenance, and less development cost.

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